Hello, so glad you're here

My name is Joy, I am a follower of Christ and I believe the gospel changes everything. My husband, Malach and I have been married for nine years and we have two tiny humans together; they keep me humble. I am passionate about physical, mental and emotional health. I'm an avid coffee drinker, I love plants, and I am always down for a trip to a greenhouse.

Truthfully, weddings were not always my thing. In fact, I could not have cared less about mine. I remember my mom asking what kind of flowers I wanted and I said "I don't know, white?" I cringe now when I think about it, but really I knew nothing about the world of weddings and it was all so overwhelming to me.

It wasn't until 2018 when a friend asked me if I'd be interested in second shooting that my love for them grew. What started as a fun way to have 12 hours of quality time assisting a friend is now one of the things I love doing most. It's probably the little girl in me who loves the details, glam, flowers, romance, nerves, excitement- all of it. It is such a privilege to witness and document some of the most sacred moments in your life.

Behind every image there are real people with real stories. I am passionate about capturing your connection in such a way that makes others feel the love you have for each other when they look at your photos. It is such an honor to me to be entrusted with your moments and I genuinely love that I get to do this for a living.

See My Work

“I want all of you, forever, you and me, every day.”